Do you want to learn more about what it means to be a Human Design Generator Type?

Human Design Generator Deep Dive

A Deep Dive Into Understanding the Human Design Generator Type

Human Design Generator Deep Dive

A Deep Dive Into Understanding the Human Design Generator Type

I created this course to give Human Design Generators a deep understanding of how their type operates in the world. 

Generators are magnetic and powerful beings when living in alignment. They are here to physically create in the world.

Having a deep understanding of how they're designed to operate will help the Generator live in alignment so they can be on purpose and fullfill their potential.


  • The Generator Aura and how it operates in the world and in relation to others

  • The Generator Strategy and how they're designed to interact with life to reduce outside resistance

  • The 2 different kinds of Generators and how to know which one you are

  • Emotional themes that let the Generator know when they're in and out of alignment

  • Generator strengths and challenges

  • Health themes for Generators

  • Generator Wealth themes

  • Generator Relationship themes

What's Included

  • 4 Modules

  • Human Design Overview to help you Understand the system and how it can help you

  • A deep Dive into the Generator Type

  • Video and Audio Exercise to reconnect to strategy

  • Contemplations to embody your type and live in alignment

  • 60+ Minutes of Video Content & 7 page workbook

  • Lifetime Access + access to new content as it's released

  • New modules will be added and price will increase to reflect additional content so get it now while it's $56

What Others Have to Say...

This course was so insightful and informative. I knew a little Human Design before and have been doing a lot of personal development work. Vanessa explains the details using the right words and examples I could really understand the content and context. I received important advice on how to set better boundaries and how to apply my Generator type and really embody it.

Jess Hell 4/1 Sacral Generator

The Human Design Generator Deep Dive course is a wonderful introduction to human design. I was able to learn what my generator type is and start contemplating whether I should be making decisions from my pre-conditioned brain or from a place of higher authenticity / authority. The course provides an audio download which I found helpful to reframe the way I have been making decisions. There’s also a journaling component which I found asked good questions, and I will continue to use as I explore my habits.

Jessica F 1/3 Sacral Generator

Do you want to learn more about what it means to be a Human Design Generator Type?